Sharon's Bat Mitzvah
Created: 11 Apr 2005
So many hours working so hard with Annette...
...and through it all they kept smiling!
Friends and family made havdalah sets...
...and Aunt Ellen made a beautiful kipah for Sharon!
Mom, Ian, and Kristin rehearse for the singing debut!
Mom's putting the finishing touches on one of her many creations for the day...
...topped off with the gorgeous cake she decorated to celebrate Sharon's day!
Toby bravely accepts help in the least favorite activity of men everywhere!!!
Judy's cookie flower garden, finished and in place.
Sharon captures some of her favorite moments before the service
Mom gets help setting up the kiddush from Aunts Ellen and Loretta
Grandpa does too do work! He was a whiz with the bagel guillotine!
A beautiful kiddush table in the calm before the storm!
Pesach, and Yoram came all the way from Israel, and catch up on things with Lazar (from NY)
Mom made a beautiful collage of Sharon from birth until today!
A quiet moment with her dad and family before the that's a proud papa!
Mom and cousin Marisa!
Looks like Aunts Angie and Loretta are having a very serious moment...
Phew, Sharon was it's time to eat!!!
Jeremiah and Ian nosh on some bagels and crackers.
Barbara meets Sharon's sister Danielle.
Cousin Terese LOVED hanging out with Jeremiah!
Rachele leads a short discussion about the service...
Family meets family and friends over lunch.
Our Shir Tikvah family enjoys lunch and a chat.
Rabbi Offner was such an inspiration to Sharon and all of us!
Grandpa enjoys listening to Rachele
Can you believe this is the same Toby who became Bar Mitzvah less than 2 years ago?
Lazar enjoys a quiet moment.
"Sharon's hair to play with and a juice to drink...ahh!"
J and J posin' for the cameraman!
Toby tryin' to get in the action!
With her oh-so-proud grandparents.
With her mom and family, posing on the close to a formal shot as we ever get!!!
Isn't she lovely?
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