Sharon's Bat Mitzvah - Friends and Family!
Created: 01 May 2005
Proud Grandma and Grandpa (Sandra and Arthur)
Ellen, Jamie, and Evan
Evan loves his daddy!
Evan eyes the treats!
Oslynn and Evan
Miriam looking for the perfect karaoke tune.
Sharon coping with friends and family!
Marisa and Jeremiah
Marisa and Terese
Terese and Nicole
Jeremiah and Liliane
Evan and Grandpa (Arthur)
Emmet lights the havdalah candle, while Angie oversees, and others look on.
Lisa and Kristin
Itzik and his family
Angie still can't keep her eyes off David, and David,,,uh, well, can't take his eyes off the chocolate bar!
Jonah gets a wise word from his dad.
Sharon...yep, happy again!
Emily lost in thought...
Chana smiling at the happenings...
Loretta, Grandpa (Arthur), and Ari decide which Ben and Jerry's is their favorite tonight!
Eric, Kristin, and Sue, muggin' for the camera!
Lisa, Doug, Larry, and Jane...look like they're havin' fun!
Sharon with Liliane...oh, surprise, happy yet again!!!
Mom and David
Sandra with the camera at the ready!
Zev, Gabe, Maggie, Sharon, and Sam
Jackie and Daniel...don't they look cute!!
Rick and Audrey
Shelby, Taylor, Annie, Mae, Preterra, Elaina
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