Sharon's Bat Mitzvah - Dancing!

Created: 13 Apr 2005


Hey Macarena!


Rachele leads the unitiated Benjamin clan!


Yes, it can be cool for boys to dance!


Like the song, this dance just keeps coming back!


It's's a's the electric slide!


You wanna piece of me?


Ian is completely charmed by whatever it is Liliane is telling him!


Wow, they're actually dancing!!!


Chugga chugga choo choo!


Work it Carmi, work it!


Oh my God, can't he sit down with the rest of the old people?


Grrrrl line!


Give it a twirl girl!


OMG, he said what?!?


"And they called it Puppy Love..."


...and for our next prize...


They stand rapt, hoping to hear their number called...


...and the winner is...!

Page style : Grey Olive Rosewood